Friday, May 23, 2014

Inspiration Wednesday...Featured Photographer!

A little late on the wednesday feature. As I keep saying we are getting ready to move so we have been super busy. I will be back on track hopefully soon. Today's feature is simply amazing. Her work is magical, fun and inspiring. Sometimes you just say WOW. I am always going to her page to see if there is anything new posted.  The images she makes for her daughter are are going to make her daughter so happy. It will be so amazing to look back at when she is older. Let's take a look. This is an amazing interview. I absolutely loved reading about her. Please sit tight and read a bit about holly from Holly Spring Photography and look at her stunning imagery. 

 How did you come up with your business name?

   I chose my own name Holly Spring Photography because I wanted to be accountable for my quality of work. Once you put your name to something you have to stand by it. 

What brought you to photography?

Oh gosh, long story but I suppose I started as a MWAC. (Mom with a camera).  Actually I didn't have a very good camera at all, just a Panasonic point and shoot, but it was important for me to capture my little girl's early struggles with life. The photos were terrible but the moments were precious so my hubby surprised me with my first DSLR and up until three weeks ago, that was my primary camera.

 What do you like to shoot?

Everything... I suppose I'm a jack of all trades. I love portraits especially whimsical ones combining digital art with photography, but I love landscape photography too.

 who is your favorite muse?

Oh definitely my little girl Violet. She is such a cutie and loves to play up to the camera. I wouldn't be doing this without her. 

 What is in your camera bag? 

Canon 6D body, 24-70mm f/2.8L, 50mm f/1.8, white diffuser/reflector, silver/gold reflector, Canon Kiss X4, and a pack of skittles! 

 What type of camera bag do you rock? 

I have this cumbersome Tenba backpack Pro. It holds everything but the kitchen sink, but I'm really hoping to get an Ephiphanie bag. 

 photoshop or Lightroom?

Photoshop definitely. I do have LR but I only use it when batch editing weddings which is hardly ever. 

 Jpeg or Raw? 

Raw all the way! 

 In three words only how would you describe your photography style? 

Whimsical, Creative, Fineart

 Top 2 favorite photographers and why?

I would say Kirsty Mitchell. She is an incredible conceptual artist. I love her use of color and nature, and she really brings literature to life in her works.  Elena Shumilova's work opened my eyes to seeing the light and shade in what I shoot. 

Favorite season to shoot and why?

Funnily enough... I like the equinoxes. The days between seasons where the weather goes all crazy and gives me something interesting to shoot. 

 what is your non photography related down fall? (example:  chocolate, soda..) 

That would be my couch. I edit with my feet up, pillow behind my head, wireless mouse in hand, solar powered keyboard on my lap, looking at a 42” monitor. It's bliss but not so good for keeping fit. 

 What is your most embarrassing moment at a shoot to date? 

It's whenever I get a clients name wrong, and it happens especially in big wedding parties. It's hard to direct people when you can't even address them by their name and I'm just terrible with names lol.

 What is your one best piece of advice to give someone just starting out?

Don't get disheartened by the work of others... be inspired by it, learn learn learn even if it's Youtube videos, and most importantly love what you do!

 If you weren't photographer what would you be, any dream careers? 

I am living my dream! I play in a hardrock/metal band called Naquadah. We perform shows and are going to be working on an album at the end of the year. I am blessed to have such awesome people around me who feed my creativity! :)

 What is your goal for photography for the next three years?

I have three goals. Have my own Whimsical portrait studio  with onsite framing and fine art printing. I would love to travel and provide workshops and mentoring in small groups or one-on-one, and lastly.... I would also love for a whole bunch of fun loving photographers to take an annual holiday together in the South Pacific on a warm tropical island, just chilling and winding down and catching up on the year that's been.... every year!  

If you would like to continue to follow Holly follow her Facebook page here Holly Spring Photography. Please go show her lots of love. Until next time, XOXO!